Ngrimm's fairy tales book antique typefaces

I grew up with childrens books, and truly loved the stories. Multiple typefaces, type set on a curve, type on a banner, decorative borders, cluttered space, 19th century images. The antiquafraktur dispute was a typographical dispute in 19th and early 20th century germany. Vintage book covers vintage childrens books antique books book cover art book cover design book art victorian books classic fairy tales grimm fairy tales. And then came disney, who made his fairy tale debut with. Dulac actually wrote his own fairy books, but is best known for his contributions to traditional tales.

With leaf and vineinspired flourishes and swirling styles, leafy tales combines vintage font styles with the look of childrens fairy tale books. Long before animated films were even imagined, fairy tales were part of an oral story telling tradition. Save grimms fairy tales book to get email alerts and updates on your ebay feed. Youll receive email and feed alerts when new items arrive. Victorian fairy tale in 2020 victorian books, vintage. Jan 19, 2020 multiple typefaces, type set on a curve, type on a banner, decorative borders, cluttered space, 19th century images. Unfollow grimms fairy tales book to stop getting updates on your ebay feed. Typography report the antiqua fraktur dispute holliross. The antiqua type stemmed from old latin typefaces, and was favoured by philosophers and poets such as goethe and nietzsche, as well as jakob grimm, who famously cowrote grimms fairy tales. Flexible typesetting by tim brown isnt a book about setting type the old fashioned way in static environments. Vintage book covers vintage childrens books antique books grimm s fairy tales book grimm fairy tales book cover art book cover design book art victorian books. Unfollow antique grimms fairy tales book to stop getting updates on your ebay feed.

If the names arthur rackham, edmund dulac, charles perrault and carlo collodi mean anything to you, then you know walt disney isnt the only one who left a fairy tale legacy. This new dover edition, first published in 1963, is an unabridged republication of the work first published by macmillan and company in 1886. This fairy tale collection contains 52 of the grimms fairy tales. Late 1800s early 1900s antique illustrated fairy tale book. In 19th and early 20th century germany, there was a dispute raging over which font was more german.

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